EQUUS Foundation
EQUUS Foundation Vision Statement and Program Goals

Our Mission

The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, is the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body in the United States 100% dedicated to the dual mission of protecting America's horses from peril and strengthening the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Our Vision

• All horses will naturally transition from one chapter to the next without risk of abuse, neglect and slaughter;

• All horses involved in any role and in any capacity - as athletes, companions, laborers, teachers and healers - are safe, healthy and treated with dignity as partners.

The EQUUS Foundation was born from love of the equestrian sport and the critical need to provide care to horses after their sport careers are over. The EQUUS Foundation awarded its first grants in 2003 to seven equine charities based in Connecticut and the metropolitan New York area. Now, after 20 years, we support hundreds of equine charities nationwide.

While there has been significant progress in reducing the number of America's horses destined for slaughter, there are still over 20,000 shipped across our borders for slaughter each year and tens of thousands are still subjected to abuse and neglect. NO HORSE should be subjected to this inhumane fate. There are solutions within our reach for America's horses that need a lifeline.

The EQUUS Foundation is against horse slaughter and is against the sale or transport of equines or equine parts in interstate or foreign commerce for the purposes of human consumption, as well as the sale or transport of equines or equine parts in interstate or foreign commerce for the purposes of consumption by other animals.

That being said, the EQUUS Foundation does not engage in any activities that may be construed by the Internal Revenue Service as 'attempting to influence legislation'. According to the IRS, an organization is regarded as 'attempting to influence legislation, i.e. lobbying' if it contacts, or urges the public to contact, members or employees of a legislative body for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation, or if the organization advocates the adoption or rejection of legislation. Organizations classified as 501(c)(3) organizations run the risk of losing their tax-exempt status if the organization actively or regularly engages in these activities.

We believe that the best way to help these horses is to transition them into a new life, role and purpose by providing viable options to owners when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for them before they end up in the slaughter pipeline and by increasing not only competitive and recreational programs involving horses, but also programs providing equine-assisted therapeutic services. Programs where people partner with horses to enhance their well-being offer limitless career opportunities for horses in transition.

EQUUS Foundation

Program Goals

EQUUS Foundation programs and activities not only provide financial support where it is needed most, they also educate the public about the significant impact of horses in our lives and help elevate the image and desirability of horses.

We are committed to ensuring donor dollars are invested in effective programs focused on:
• Finding homes for at-risk horses and horses in transition;
• Providing a safe haven for aged & infirm horses and a safety net for owners enduring hardship;
• Increasing opportunities for more horses to engage, inspire, and empower people.

Recent initiatives include:
• Raising public awareness that America's horses enhance our lives and need our protection and building consensus within the equine industry to embrace solutions for equines in transition other than shipping them across our borders for slaughter

• Establishing and supporting local and regional safety net programs, such as feed/hay banks, veterinary care, euthanasia, gelding assistance, farrier assistance, and equine placement service, aimed at helping to keep horses with their owners, assisting with re-homing the horses, and providing counseling and end-of-life services when needed.

• Publicizing the EQUUS Foundation's equine welfare standards and expanding the recognition of equine organizations nationwide - both non-profit and for-profit - that adhere to these standards

• Providing scholarships to students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate equine studies programs at the educational institutions on the EQUUS Foundation Equine Education Network to encourage the pursuit of careers in the equine industry

More about us:

IRS Tax Form 990
Annual Report

EQUUS Foundation Programs - What We Do

• EMPOWER and INVEST in the very best equine charities that are finding homes for at-risk horses and horses in transition, providing a safe haven for aged horses, and increasing opportunities for all people to engage and partner with horses in new and innovative ways
• INSPIRE horse lovers to become horse protectors by stimulating advocacy and volunteerism
• EDUCATE the public on the value of horses in our lives by sharing stories of their amazing achievements and contributions

EQUUS Foundation

Equine Welfare Network

Connecting enthusiasts with equine organizations across America

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Ensuring transparency in the care and service of America's horses

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Recognizing the highest standards for the care and service of America's horses

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Next Chapters

Listing adoptable horses seeking their next chapter

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Safe Landings

Providing opportunities for horses in transition

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Happy Endings

Sharing stories of the joy of adoption and finding forever homes

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Providing funding where it is needed most

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Partnerships & Alliances

Partnering to improve the way horses are treated and perceived - it takes a village!

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Stimulating and rewarding volunteerism on behalf of horses

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EQUUS Foundation

Equine Studies Scholarships

Awarding scholarships to inspire and reward the next generation of equine professionals

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Equine Education Network

Encouraging the pursuit of equine studies at the collegiate level

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Equine Experiential Learning Initiative

Cultivating advocacy through education

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Horse Stars Hall of Fame

Celebrating the extraordinary talent & accomplishments of horses

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EQUUS Foundation

Humanitarian Award

Honoring those dedicated to making the welfare of our equine partners paramount

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EQUUS Foundation

Spirit Award

Honoring those equestrians who elevate the image and desirability of horses

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EQUUS Foundation

Honor & Service Award

Recognizing the best honor and service in a horse, individual or organization

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EQUUS Foundation

Horse Whisperers

Honoring equine charities operating at the highest standards for equine welfare

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Veterinary Research Fellowship

Rewarding researchers to meet the need for equine veterinary research

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The Rider's Closet

Providing riding attire to equestrians to pursue their horsemanship dreams

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EQUUS Foundation

Forever Farms

Recognizing the private & for-profit sector committed to equine welfare

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EQUUS Foundation

Join Us!

Together, we can keep America's horses safe!

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© Copyright 2018 EQUUS Foundation Tele: 203-259-1550 Email: mail@equusfoundation.org