EQUUS Foundation Ambassador Partner

Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. Equine Ambassador Partner
Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. is an EQUUS Foundation Equine Ambassador Partner - a distinction reserved for equestrian facilities that set themselves apart by helping to promote the mission and charitable efforts of the EQUUS Foundation on behalf of horse welfare. Learn more about Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. here.

Click here to view our 2024 Equine Ambassadors!
EQUUS Foundation Equine Ambassadors

From One Horse to Another!

Sign up here!

The Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. Equine Ambassador Partnership provides an opportunity for Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. competitors to demonstrate both athletic prowess and philanthropic power.

Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. Equine Ambassadors are sport horses whose riders and/or owners pledge a portion of their competitive winnings to help ensure that all horses are safe, healthy, and treated with dignity as partners.

All it takes is a pledge of $50 during this competition year to recognize your horse as an EQUUS Foundation Equine Ambassador and directly benefit America's horses at risk of abuse and neglect and horses that are engaging, inspiring, empowering and healing people.

It's Easy and Fun to Participate!
View all the participating equines here
and select your favorite to support!

Once registered, you will receive an email from us confirming your registration and the listing of your horse as one of our Beacon Hill Show Stables, Inc. Equine Ambassadors. We encourage you to share this recognition with your family and friends on social media and tag us at @EQUUSFoundation and use the hashtag #EQUUSFoundation.