EQUUS Foundation

Eligibility Requirements for Guardian Designation

The Guardian Designation is awarded annually to an organization participating as a Member of the EQUUS Foundation Equine Welfare Network that meets EQUUS Foundation guidelines for Member participation in addition to the following business and equine welfare practices.

While the Guardian Seal of Transparency is not an endorsement, the Guardian Seal of Transparency is a recognition of an organization's commitment to transparency and accountability by their willingness to make comprehensive data about their programs, horse care practices, and governance available for public scrutiny. A site visit, a self assessment using the EQUUS Foundation site assessment tool, and/or a recommendation from an EQUUS Foundation Mentor may be required.

Please review the eligibility for Member participation here.

I. Business Practices
• The organization must have a written conflict of interest policy that ensures that any compensated board member is a NON-VOTING (Independent) board member or that any compensated board member or any board member related to a compensated staff member, independent contractor, or any related board members, or any individual or organization that might benefit from a board decision, abstains from voting on issues impacting such compensation and requires officers, directors or trustees, and key employees to disclose at least annually in writing interests that could give rise to conflicts.
• The organization must carry General Liability Insurance and may be requested to provide a Certificate of Insurance.
• The Guardian Designation may be denied if the organization does not have an operating budget of at least $10,000 and/or does not have sufficient cash reserves to offset net losses in any given year.
• The Guardian Designation may be denied if all or a majority of the Board are compensated and/or have family and/or business relationships. The organization may be required to provide its written conflict of interest policy and/or the signed statement of any Board member with conflicts of interest.
• The Guardian Designation may be denied if an insurance claim has been filed against the organization depending on when the claim was filed as well as the circumstances and outcome of the claim.
• The Guardian Designation may be denied if the organization has been investigated by any animal control or protection authority - federal, state or local depending on when the date of the investigation as well as the circumstances and outcome of the investigation.

II. Equine Welfare Practices
• The organization must have a policy in place that an equine will be euthanized upon the recommendation of the veterinarian after all reasonable treatment options have been explored.
• An organization that conducts programs where riding is or will be a key component must consider the weight-carrying and workload limitations for each equine to include but not limited to evaluating the limitations at least annually and maintaining a written record for each equine that documents the results of each evaluation of weight-carrying and workload limitations.
• The Guardian designation may be denied if the organization conduct programs involving less than five equines.

Last Updated September 15, 2023. Subject to change without notice. Back To Top

Copyright 2018 EQUUS Foundation Tele: 203-259-1550 Email: mail@equusfoundation.org