Where is located?
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is located at , , , .
Our organization has use of the following at this facility:
Do horses have assigned stalls? *MissingHorses are stalled for *Missing hours per day, on average.
The following describes the pastures at this facility:
The following describes the turnout areas other than pastures at this facility:
How many hours per day, on average, are horses turned out:
The following items are consistent with our feed management plan and practices:
Is clean, potable water available at all times for all equines, or if not at all times, at least twice daily? *Missing
Hoof Care: How often is hoof care provided for each horse? *Missing
Dental Care: How often is dental care provided for each horse? *Missing
Horse checks: How often are horses visually and physically checked by personnel at the facility? *Missing
Our organization has the following parasite and fly/insect control protocols in place, including remedies used to control flies and insects:
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