Happy Endings!
Happy Endings shared by
This Old Horse, Inc.
Hastings, MN

In mid-2019, a kind and concerned neighbor, alarmed by the condition of a group of her neighbor’s horses, sought help for them. One of them, a small, six-year-old Appaloosa mare named Audrey had a newborn foal at her side and was in foal for 2020. She was not only severely neglected, she was also blind.
     Opinions and predictions diverged as ‘experts’ weighed in on her odds for recovery and her quality life if she survived.
     And while the speculation and debates went on, so did Audrey. She was a terrific, nurturing mother and her first son Owen turned out to be a gorgeous, outstanding gelding. Her second son, Harley is just as wonderful. Both of them were adopted into loving homes.
     And yesterday, Audrey was adopted, too.
     This little, blind, quiet, lovely mare found her way into the heart of one of our long-term volunteers who has served her and cared for her since she arrived with us.
     In the time it took people to decide if Audrey’s life was worth living, Audrey went on with her life. Her path was lit from within, she could see her way the whole time others were out looking for it.
     Her size, her circumstances, her past, her blindness…none of this defines her. It only defines us. We have a lot to learn. Audrey has figured it out. And her happily ever after is assured.
     Love is good.

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