Happy Endings!
Happy Endings shared by
Kentucky Equine Adoption Center

If you love something, set it free…
     Here at the Kentucky Equine Adoption Center, we love all our horses, however, sometimes there is one that grabs hold of your heart and refuses to let go. Case in point, our sweet Topaz. Topaz was born on the farm on June 29th, 2023, to feral mare Taz. In the early hours, Topaz had difficulties standing and would not nurse. Taz sensed something was wrong with her foal and walked away.
     Topaz was sent to Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital where she spent the next week in ICU receiving the fluids that she was lacking. Topaz, with her bright color and beautiful blonde mane, soon became everyone’s favorite foal. We hired Western Ransom from Nurse mares of Kentucky, and became forever bonded. After six months of learning how to feed and to be a foal, Topaz was weaned and turned out to pasture with her friend Theodore. Topaz is always the highlight of every farm tour, and her fans remain dedicated to her by purchasing her holiday cards, bidding on her painting, and loving all over her when they come to visit.
     Today is a day we had hoped for, but never really wanted to see, Topaz’s Adoption Day! Please join us as we wave goodbye to this precious girl. Topaz, we don’t have the words to describe how much you’ll be missed. As you leave today for your forever home, please know that you will always have a place here at KYEAC and in our hearts!

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