Happy Endings!
Happy Endings shared by
Bagaduce River Equine Rescue

April 24, 2020 Thor found himself at Bagaduce River Equine Rescue. He was so weak those at Bagaduce weren’t sure he would make the trip home but there was no way they were leaving him behind. Thor was and still is a fighter. He fought to survive when his body was too weak to stand in a stall, he fought to survive when somedays the only food he got was the wood his stall was made of. His life consisted of 4 walls – no freedom to move, no freedom to search for his own food and water. He was at the mercy of those that kept him captive and only thought of him when it was convenient. Thor is a survivor.
     8 months is a long time to pour your heart into an animal, nurse them from the brink of death and watch as their dull coat sheds replaced by a shiny new color of Liver Chestnut. Thors ribs gradually started to fade behind a little layer of chunk and his nose dent where his too small halter had been left on began to fade. His eye developed a twinkle and his personality began to pour out of his huge heart. Rather than the killer they were told he was, the unmanageable terror in the pasture who got out every chance there was, the menace and herd bully…… Thor was the most gentle, tolerant, babysitter they ever had.
     "When someone new came to the herd, they stuck close to Thor for protection, he was a gentleman on a leadline and the first horse I would grab when kids came to brush. He made sure his giant hoof never crushed a little foot and although he could mimic a giraffe at times, when there was a child around his head would come down and his nose would softly search their pockets for something sweet."
     8 months later Thor finally found the person he had been looking for his whole life. He was taken to his new home Saturday November 12.
     "We watched as he explored his new home, munched on some hay and said hi to the goats and chickens. Thor is finally home and as bitter sweet as it is for us to say good bye, for Thor it is the happiest of endings. We miss him like crazy but Ruth has given us updates daily, he has rolled in his sandy ring, he has shared apples with his new girlfriend Midnight (who evidently likes him quiet well) and they have all roamed his new home together – exploring and simply being happy. From the wobbly old man that we feared wouldn’t get up when he first rolled here at BRER to the home of his dreams – I promise you will never be forgotten in a stall again, fallen and unable to get up, you will never be hungry, lonely or scared. From this day forward, you will be loved Thor."

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