
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

Search by Alphabet: L

| A or 1-9 | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Janessa La Mastro

Emma Labagh

Laura Labriola

Kimberly Ladd

Madeline LaFlamme

Frank Lalli

Georgia LaMar

Kelly Lamont-Francfort

Dominic Lampasi

Tara Lamrouex

Tammy Lance

Janet Landrigan

Genevieve Lane

Shawn Latona

Casey Lauber

Tessa Lauderbaugh

Tara Lauther

Elieze Lauwers

Samantha Law

Ellie Lawson

Debora Lay

Jacqueline Leach

Colleen Leach

Angela Lease

Linda Lebedovych

Kaaren Lebert

Eliza Leckway

Jerty Lee

Emma-Tara Lee

Sheri Leis

Erin Leixner

Melissa Lenahan

Maureen Leonard

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