EQUUS Foundation

December 25, 2017
Contact: Lynn Coakley
mail@equusfoundation.org | 203-259-1550

Happy Holidays!
From One Horse Lover to Another!
Happy Holidays

Horses thrill us as athletes, inspire confidence and teamwork in equestrians of all ages, grace our lives as companions, and perform miracles for people with special needs. Help ensure that all of America's horses are safe, and live in comfort with purpose and dignity!

Please consider making a gift here for the love of horses!

The EQUUS Foundation is the only national animal welfare charity in the United States
100% dedicated to horse welfare and the horse-human bond.
Because Where Horses Go Next Matters - and It's Up to All of Us!

EQUUS Foundation, Inc., 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880
203-259-1550 | mail@equusfoundation.org | equusfoundation.org