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December 28, 2023

Sharing a Fairy Tale of Heroes and Villains at the Close of a Difficult Year

As we bid farewell to another year, it is often a time when we reflect on what and who we care most about. Protecting America's horses is a year-round pursuit for the EQUUS Foundation. As a horse lover, we ask you to make your last gift of 2022 to help save more horses like Teddy!

Teddy - Before and After

Teddy, a 14-year-old Standardbred, was tagged for meat and destined for slaughter when Cheryl Olsten learned of his plight. Without hesitation, Olsten, the owner of Lafitte De Muze, the EQUUS Foundation's first Equine Ambassador, posted his bail, and there began Teddy's recovery.

Teddy was one of over 70 horses dumped at a holding facility owned by a "kill buyer" who ships horses across our borders to be slaughtered for horse meat.

Olsten has provided funds to cover bail, quarantine, transportation, and the like, for many horses, but this time it was different. Olsten decided to adopt Teddy to learn firsthand what was involved with accepting responsibility for a horse so shamefully broken.

Teddy - Before and After
Bright Future Ahead

The Power of Giving

"Words are not adequate to describe the joy I have gotten from seeing the light in this sweet fellow's eyes emerge as he's healed. It has been immensely gratifying to put in the time and effort for Teddy to bloom into the horse he once was, before he landed in the wrong hands," said Olsten.

"Having Lafitte as an EQUUS Foundation Equine Ambassador has opened my eyes to the magnitude and the plight of all horses in jeopardy. As an animal lover, what can be better than to know you have helped horses be out of harm's way and get a second chance? Now, well along in his training as a riding horse, Teddy's next chapter will be as a pleasure horse – with me"

Tens of thousands of horses are abused, neglected and shipped across our borders for slaughter each year. NO HORSE should be subjected to this inhumane fate – especially because there are solutions within our reach.

The best way to help these horses is to transition them into a new life, role and purpose by providing viable options to owners when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for them.

The EQUUS Foundation is committed to reducing the number of horses sent across our borders for slaughter to ZERO by increasing not only competitive and recreational programs involving horses, but also programs providing equine-assisted therapeutic services. Programs where people partner with horses to enhance their well-being offer limitless career opportunities for horses in transition.

Teddy Home

On behalf of the horses

who need a lifeline

Thank You!

Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or

someone who loves horses - please make one of your last gifts in 2022 to help ensure America's horses live in comfort and with dignity throughout their lives.


ABOUT EQUUS FOUNDATION: The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, is the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body in the United States that is 100% dedicated to equine welfare and with the dual mission to protect America's horses from peril and strengthen the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail: mail@equusfoundation.org, Website: equusfoundation.org.