Making Space for Horses - Rays of Hope for America's At-Risk Horses
Tens of thousands of America's horses are victims of abuse and neglect each year, and just under 20,000 were shipped across our borders for slaughter in 2022, but there are rays of hope that these numbers can be reduced.
Karin Bump, Ph.D., who has been analyzing data collected from equine charities on the EQUUS Foundation's Equine Welfare Network, has found that there are equine charities that have space for additional horses.
Bump and Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President were interviewed by Glenye Oakford, Senior Content Editor, at the United States Equestrian Federation, for the article, "Making Space for Horses", that was published in the Summer Edition of US Equestrian.
 Photo courtesy of EQUUS Foundation Mentor, Endeavor Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc., Bedford Corners, New York, of a workshop participant at Endeavor's Veteran Center, a quiet and private environment with a separate access designated solely for work with Military Personnel.
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Horses Enhance the Quality of our Lives
As the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body that is 100% focused on equine welfare, the EQUUS Foundation provides support to equine charities that are directly involved with transitioning equines that have been subjected to abuse and neglect, and at risk for slaughter. "We also provide support to equine charities that are increasing opportunities for more horses to engage, inspire, and empower people — especially people with special needs," said Coakley.
Coakley continued, "The solutions are within our reach to ensure that all horses naturally transition from one chapter to the next without risk of abuse and neglect and that all horses involved in any role and in any capacity — as athletes, companions, laborers, teachers, and healers — are safe, healthy, and treated with dignity as partners. But the solutions depend on the voluntary willing support of horse lovers nationwide."

Photo courtesy of EQUUS Foundation Mentor charity, Loudoun Therapeutic Riding Foundation, Inc.

Photo courtesy of EQUUS Foundation Mentor charity, Central Kentucky Riding for Hope, Inc. (CKRH)

Photo courtesy of EQUUS Foundation Mentor charity, Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, Inc.
You Can Help!
How? Take the #HorseProtectors Pledge here
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - even if you cannot provide financial support, you can show solidarity that America's horses deserve to live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives by taking the pledge here.
No donation is required to take the pledge -- but pledge takers who give or raise a minimum of $1,000 between now and August 21 will be eligible to win a PRICELESS luxury limited edition of CWD's Classic Hunter Mademoiselle Saddle customized to your needs.


This year, CWD celebrated the production of its 100,000th saddle with a unique creation, designed as a luxury piece, by the CWD team with the finest materials and featuring a vegetable-tanned chestnut buffalo leather lining, 18-carat gold-plated studs and gold Swarovski crystal inlays.
CWD has graciously donated the saddle to the EQUUS Foundation. The odds of winning the saddle are in your favor!
The winner of the saddle will be announced at this year's Hampton Classic Equine Adoption event on August 28th. The winner does not have to be present to win. The actual saddle will be customized to the specifications of the winner. The winner will be contacted by one of CWD's saddle experts for a fitting session to adapt the saddle perfectly for the winner and the winner's horse.
Oakford writes, "Maintaining a robust, sustainable network of retirement and second-career opportunities for horses isn't only good for horses and the people who love them. It's also good for the equestrian world as a whole . . . especially at a time when equine sports can quickly come under scrutiny from a public that has little experience with them or with horses. It means protecting them not only during their competitive careers, but after they're no longer competitive, too." Read more here.
Please take our pledge here and consider taking the pledge and making a gift here!
ABOUT EQUUS FOUNDATION: The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, is the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body in the United States that is 100% dedicated to equine welfare and with the dual mission to protect America's horses from peril and strengthen the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail:, Website:
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