EQUUS Foundation For The Love of Horses
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March 8, 2024

Spirit Award Message Loud and Clear - The Horse Must Come First!

The Florida weather and the setting at the Wanderers Club in Wellington was perfect on the evening of February 25th when horse-loving guests joined the EQUUS Foundation for the presentation of the EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award and to celebrate the impact of horses and the need to protect them at all stages of their lives.

The 2nd Annual EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award honored the US Equestrian Federation's Thomas O'Mara and David O'Connor. In presenting the award with Jenny Belknap Kees, EQUUS Foundation Chair, Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President said, "We are recognizing Tom and David for their leadership in bringing the concept of the 'Social License to Operate' to the forefront of the equestrian community.

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Lynn Coakley, Tom O'Mara, and Jenny Belknap Kees Photo @ Brittany Halstead
View the awards presentation filmed by EQUUS Television here

Belknap Kees said, "The core tenants of 'The Social License to Operate' have always been at the heart of the EQUUS Foundation's dual purpose - to protect America's horses from peril and strengthen the bond between horses and people -- and our commitment to ensure that all equines involved in any role and in any capacity - as athletes, companions, teachers, laborers and healers - are safe, healthy, and treated with dignity as partners."

More and more equestrians now recognize that for the equestrian sport to progress and for the sport to have the acceptance of the public, the welfare of the horse must come first.

In accepting the award on behalf of O'Connor, who was not able to attend, and himself, O'Mara said, "We are more committed than ever to our equine partners. We need to be accountable as horse people in the care, treatment, and methods we use. It's the right thing to do. As an industry, we must hold ourselves responsible for how we treat the horses we all love that occupy such a huge part of our lives. We are listening, EQUUS Foundation — and agree wholeheartedly that horses have carried us throughout history and do so much for us. We need to speak up and protect them collectively."

Valerie Angeli, EQUUS Foundation VP of Engagement, along with Frank Madden and Jimmy Torano, the emcees for the evening, opened the festivities by rallying the guests to action.

"Joy, Wonder, Beauty, Empowerment, Strength, Athleticism, Partnership, Heart, Magic, Hope. These are words we use to describe how we feel about ourselves when we are with our horses -- the animals that we make a living with, that we breed and train and sell and work and ask them to trust us", said Angeli. "Most horses will have seven owners in their lifetime and depend on each owner for a quality of life worth living. Do all horses get this? Sadly, no."

Angeli announced the launch of the EQUUS Foundation National #HorseProtector Week asking all horse lovers to take the #HorseProtector Pledge and show solidarity that horses are our partners and not commodities.

Guests were energized watching the newly released EQUUS Foundation Video, which was met with applause and even some tears. Madden and Torano said, "This is an important night when we can take care of horses. Let's save some horses!" View the EQUUS Foundation Video here.

Guests had the opportunity to make pledges to support America's horses and to help raise funds at the "Sip and Shop" showcasing services and products from EQUUS Foundation Gift Sponsors. View our Sip and Shop Catalog here. If you wish to purchase an item, please contact us at mail@equusfoundation.org.

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Jennifer Madden, Frank Madden, Lynn Coakley, Jimmy Torano and Valerie Angeli

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
View the Photo Gallery here

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Catherine Herman and Margaret O'Neill

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Mitchell Kates, Kristen Baran, Lidia Nagy and Alessandro Albanese

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Clementine Goutal, Alex Hamer, Georgina Bloomberg and Valerie Angeli

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Julie Mitchell

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Victoria Lowell, Bridgett McIntosh, PhD, Bill Rube, Ellen Healey

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Rosemary Phelan, Tina Hinckley, Jane Aversano, and John Finlayson

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Cassandra Orpen, Maarten Huygens, Jennifer Madden, Frank Madden and Mary Rivas

*Photos @ Brittany Halstead

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Michael Taylor, Connie Marquez and Jenny Belknap Kees

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Bobbie Braun and Mitchell Myron

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Michael and Cyndi Napoleone

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Bob and Tina Hinckley

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Fran McAvity and Suzanne Cooper

2024 EQUUS Foundation Spirit Award
Rob Caldwell, Patricia Adikes Hill, Johnatha Gorin and Shaun Doyle

View more photos here
The EQUUS Foundation wishes to express its gratitude to the individuals and organizations that are supporting our mission.

Kristen Trudell Baran
Jenny Belknap and Tim Kees
Catherine and Steven Herman, MD
Tina and Bob Hinckley
Caroline Moran
Caryl Philips and Frank Zeiss


Beth Behrs
Jenny Belknap and Tim Kees
Georgina Bloomberg
Lynn Coakley
Brianne and Romain Goutal-Marteau
Clementine Goutal
Catherine and Steven Herman, MD
Tina and Bob Hinckley
Natalie Jackson
Penny Brandt Jackson and Thomas Campbell Jackson
Samantha Kelly
Serena Marron
Julie and Rick Mitchell, VMD
Caroline Moran
Cheryl Olsten
JoAnn Palazzo
Caryl Philips and Frank Zeiss
Elizabeth and Clifford Press
Andi and Mark Sheptoff
Jessica Springsteen
Michael Taylor and Connie Marquez
Ariat International

Fairfield Equine Associates

Split Rock Jumping Tour, LLC

Taylor Harris Insurance Services


EQUUS Television
Ariat International

Cugini Wine

David Erdek Portrait Photography

Elite Island Resorts


The Mixed Bag

Sixteen Cypress

Weatherly Stroh

Wrangler Coffee Company

JOIN US - Take the #HorseProtector Pledge Now!

ABOUT EQUUS FOUNDATION: The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, is the only national animal welfare charity and accrediting body in the United States that is 100% dedicated to equine welfare and with the dual mission to protect America's horses from peril and strengthen the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail: mail@equusfoundation.org, Website: equusfoundation.org.