2022 Platinum Performance
Horse Welfare Award Recipients

Animal Health is the Platinum Performance® Mission. Platinum Performance® believes in the power of nutrition and supplementation, and is committed to providing formulas that produce superior results. For more information, visit www.platinumperformance.com

2022 Honorable Mention

Splash (Bug Me)
Official Name: Splash
Birth Year: 2004 Gender: Mare. Breed: Paint


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Right Step, Inc.
Splash is an 18 year old registered paint mare who works at The Right Step, Inc. adaptive riding program. She came to us from a hunter/jumper lesson program because she was not suited for their program. About two months after she started with our program she coliced with a twist that required surgery. After ten days in the ICU she came home and recovered well. She trusted us to take good care of her and now we trust her to take good care of our clients. She has found her calling in adaptive riding and groundwork. She works with children and adults with disabilities five days a week. Her superpower is her ability to pick up on what the people around her need and literally lean in. She does this all the time with her regular adaptive riding clients by changing the pace of her normally big strided fast walk to a more leisurely pace. Splash is also often the first horse clients ride for their evaluation lesson because we know she’ll make sure they have a great first experience. But Splash’s best work is on the ground. One example is when we had a woman in hospice visit our program. The woman had been a lifelong horsewoman and her daughter brought her so that she could have one more experience with a horse. By the time she got to the barn, she was too weak to even get out of her car. We brought Splash over to the car to see what would happen. Splash marched up to the car and stuck her head in the window, put her head on the woman’s chest, and stayed there for a good forty-five minutes while the woman loved on her. There were tears all around. Splash knew exactly what to do.

Splash and all of the horses in our program benefit from Platinum Performance Equine daily. Our horses work hard and need good nutritional support to help them do their jobs. Splash works without complaint, but she has a hard time in the summer with insects and heat. She gets very itchy and uncomfortable. We have tried many things to help her, but haven’t found anything that makes a difference. This award would allow us to try the Platinum Skin & Allergy formula to see if it would make a difference. Splash is a one of a kind horse who deserves the best!

Relationship of Nominator to Nominee
I am the Chair of the Board of The Right Step, Inc. Splash works for our program. I have known her since she started with our program. -- Christine D. Remy